Monday, April 12, 2010

Set Rules at a Younger Age

Many technology related rules and guidelines are being handed down to school age children much after the fact--after they've already been chatting online, or texting each other, whether innocently or not. Setting rules and expectations for technology-use should be a proactive measure, and those rules should be communicated to children at a MUCH YOUNGER age.

Walk past an elementary school and you might be surprised by how many kids are texting and calling from their own cell phones as soon as school is out. Computer and cell phone use has been migrating to a younger and younger age bracket. And technology should be in the hands of young children as a tool for communicating and learning. However, adults need to teach children to respect the technology before they start using it. That isn't limited to respect for the device they are handling (to try not to break it) but also respect for basic rules for how they should communicate (tone) and what they should communicate or view (content).

Children are used to rules. Their world is full of them! Rules start very early at home and those rules not only keep the peace, but also keep young children safe (don't touch-it's hot, sharp, dangerous...). School age children learn an entirely new set of rules--quiet in the halls, raising hands to speak, and so on. So when introducing young children to computers or other technology, respect must be taught. The rules for technology-use must be clearly explained in an age-appropriate manner.

Let's encourage use of technology by young children, but not forget to first lay out the rules and continually adjust those rules as technology--and the child--grows.

1 comment:

  1. This is sooo true. Teaching children to respect technology is new need that many parents never thought to do.
    We recently chatted with a 12 year old who had NO respect for her phone. For example, she bragged about how many times she as thrown in it anger. We used the opportunity to discuss respect for technology with our 5 year old who witnessed the conversation.
    Teaching tespect for technology and using it responsibly is new(er) task for parents. But just as important as stranger danger and how to cross a street!
