Julia (Judy) Patterson is the CEO and founder of Imagine Tomorrow, the leading provider of computer classes for young children. Judy received her bachelors from St. Johns University in New York, and continued with graduate work at William Patterson University. In 1991, she left classroom teaching and followed her dream of creating a unique technology-rich learning environment that would inspire all students to meet their individual potentials. Judy founded Imagine Tomorrow, a company that develops custom software, content, and classes for children ages 2 1/2 to 7 years old. Imagine Tomorrow licenses its software and program to entrepreneur business owners who run computer classes in preschools, at their own commercial locations, or on a mobile "Puterbus". Imagine Tomorrow has grown to over 700locations, and has received interest from around the globe.
For over two decades, Julia has led her company to apply the latest technology to the learning experience for children. The result has been a program that has received the highest praises from parents and educators who recognize how the customized technology content, infused with Julia's 'approach' to learning, has dramatic positive effects on Imagine Tomorrow students.
Julia speaks frequently on education and technology, has been a guest lecturer at Columbia University for candidates enrolled in Urban School Management Programs, and for teachers enrolled in Master Programs at NY Institute of Technology and Long Island University. She is authoring an upcoming book on technology and preschoolers, geared towards parents.
In the decade ahead, Julia's focus is to continue growing the Imagine Tomorrow brand and expand to reach millions of children nationally and internationally. She is also working with the Imagine Tomorrow Education Foundation, an extension of the Company dedicated to bringing technology and educational opportunities into inner city schools, hospitals and charitable organizations.
She has 3 married daughters and currently resides in River Vale, New Jersey with her husband, Bruce. Her eight young grandchildren have all participated in Imagine Tomorrow classes, a rewarding experience for this strong family business.