Sunday, November 25, 2012

Teaching - What works!

I know what works. I have used an approach in my classroom and now that same approach is being used in 1000s of locations nationwide.

My approach is based on how kids learn.

Think about how kids really learn. I mean really learn. Watch any baby learn to speak. First the child begins to babble, and then the child begins to form some recognizable word. The parent gets so excited. The child then makes the connection between the word and the object.

 OK.. so what's the big deal!

Well it isn’t happening in most classrooms around the country.  We may talk the talk, but hardly happening.  Kids need to be engaged or immersed in the learning process. In the case of the baby, he was hearing language all around him. He was immersed in the language. The person speaking has knowledge of the content, in this case the English language, so the child is learning English. The final step is to intervene with positive reinforcement.  Otherwise, the baby would just continue to babble and have no clue he was actually saying words that had meaning.

OMG…so simple.  It works. Immerse children in the learning process, so they see a reason for what they are learning, have high expectations, lead them to achieve success, praise them for their accomplishments.

These steps are the basis of the Imagine Tomorrow Approach being used in the Puterbugs Literacy based Technology program.  Our teachers are all trained and certified on how to implement the Imagine Tomorrow Approach.  Many have told me that the same techniques work for their own children at home.

Training doesn’t end with the Imagine Tomorrow Certification.  Our teachers are not left on their own in an isolated classroom.  Our network of teachers share best practices and receive on-going mentoring and support through our proprietary online system.  

Steps for successful Teaching:
1.      High expectations for each child
2.      Knowledgeable teachers who love what they are doing
3.      Make learning meaningful and challenging
4.      Positive feedback
5.      Mentor and support teachers
We see the results from around the country.  The Imagine Tomorrow Approach works!