Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Imagine What's Ahead

"What an exciting time it is to be a kid!"

That is something I have said repeatedly over the years, starting back when I introduced "multimedia computers" to my first learning center for kids--in 1991. In that year, I had attended a multimedia technology show which was demonstrating the newest computers and software geared toward business uses--but I immediately knew this was "where it's at" for learning. As I set up my first computer learning center I thought, "What an exciting time it is to be a kid!"

The creative uses of technology for learning seemed endless to me. As I expected, the kids in my classes were fascinated with it, and fully engaged in the learning process as they collaborated to create projects using the latest computers and software. In the years that followed, as more and more children were given the opportunity to experience the Imagine Tomorrow program, we continued to adapt our content to constantly be at the cutting edge with the rapidly changing technology.

When I look around today, two decades later, I see kids tapping at apps on smartphones, texting and emailing each other, downloading music, playing games online, researching topics in an instant through searches, watching tutorials on YouTube, skyping with faraway friends, taking their own digital photos and videos, and sharing ALL OF IT with friends and family--with a few taps of the fingertips!

Looking at all of this today, and imagining what is ahead, I say the same thing: "What an exciting time it is to be a kid!"