Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Better Way to Learn

Young children are fascinated with tecnology. But why? And how is this connected to learning?

Technology reaches children through multiple senses. When children sit down in front of a computer, their eyes light up as they see colorful graphics splash across the screen--and they are connected visually to what is in front of them. When their little fingers tap the keys, they are engaged through the sense of touch. This tactile experience brings about a reaction on the screen, instantly demostrating cause and effect. ("When I touch this, something changes, and I see or hear something new!") Audio output from the computer also connects them to what is going on via their sense of hearing.

Studies have shown that when children learn through multiple senses, they have an improved learning experience and better retention of what they have learned. So if you take the natural fascination and comfort children have with technology, and provide appropriate learning material through this medium, children can have very successful learning experiences.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

What is the right age for starting a child on the computer?

The answer to this question can vary, but some children as early as 2 ½ years have the attention, understanding, and eye-hand coordination to make them “ready” for the computer. Others need a little more time, but often sometime between age 3 and 4 they are ready to get started.

Of course, learning happens best in a setting where there is structure – rules, respect, and balance. So if you are ready to have your preschool age child explore and learn using technology, you should be ready yourself to be involved firsthand in the process. The right software or website selection may keep your child occupied and learning, but don’t underestimate your role as their coach and teacher right at their side, to set the rules, guide them through whatever they are working on, and to praise their accomplishments!